Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dating & Texting Do's and Dont's

The number one rule when it comes to texting and dating is to stick to facts; times, places, dates, and "Hi, how you doing"s. Just like drinking and driving, texting and dating can be a very dangerous combination if you don't know what you're doing.

The Situation:
Because you're only speaking them aloud in your own head, even the most cleverly worded texts can get misinterpreted. Whether in a newly budding relationship or one that's been solid for a while, texting something that gets taken in the wrong way can really mess things up. Even if you're just joking around, the recipient may not be in a joking mood. The best thing to do when dealing with texting and dating is to proceed with EXTREME CAUTION.

Here's a list of things you should NEVER text your significant other about:

1. Your Boredom and Loneliness
You're a grown person and if you can't manage to be productive without that significant other, maybe you shouldn't be dating at all. No one wants to read about how bored or lonely you are. They're out there living life and you're complaining. Doesn't send a very attractive message.
2. Arguments
If you've got an issue that needs to be settled between the two of you, be a man/woman about it and call them or meet up with them face to face. Arguing over texts only leads to more mis-communication and a deeper hole. If you can't face your significant other with a problem or issue you are having, you may not be emotionally ready to be in a relationship or the relationship may not be worth saving. Relationships are for support and inspiration, not conflict and frustration.

3. 'Did You Call Me?'
If you think that you're being clever with this line, oh brother, think again! If you want to talk to him/her, go ahead and make the call. It's the much more mature thing to do rather than sending a "Did you call me" text. Here's the rule: if his/her name doesn't show up on your phone, he/she did NOT call you. Even if by chance he had and something went wrong with your phone, (yah, right) this line will likely make you look desperate and pathetic. It's best to avoid it at all costs.

Here's the BOTTOM LINE: Stick to the facts. Keep it short and sweet. It'll be hard and you'll want to venture outside the realms of those confines, but believe me, if you do you will regret it. Especially with new relationships, it's better to do all the communicating in person, or over an actual phone line. (That goes for AIM as well). *Sigh. I know you won't listen, but you WILL learn...even if it's 'the hard way.'

For those who stick to their guns and follow these texting rules, you'll be shocked at how well your relationship can work out when the lines of communication between you two are not muddled with irreversible words on your screen. Well worth it if you ask me.

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